Fishing bait pump-Ecogear Aqua Bream Prawn 50 Soft Plastics

Colours AU02 Olive Shrimp AU10 Grass Shrimp
The Ecogear Bream Prawn soft plastics are infused with a highly concentrated scent formula designed specifically for Bream, but will no doubt entice other species.

The Ecogear Aqua range are a hybrid of lure and bait technology, effectively allowing them to be used as both.

They're an eco-friendly soft plastic because they're 100% biodegradable!

They're a very versatile bream lure and can be used in many conditions and areas. For best results, throw these with lightly weighted jig heads into structure like bridge pylons and rock walls and let them drop while giving them a twitch or two on the way down. You can also work them slowly along a weed bed with a similar action back towards yourself.