Constructed of a TPE Ultra-Tough Material, the Nomad Design Vertrex Max Vibe Freshwater is a unique vibration styled lure similar to a lipless crankbait, however in a soft bait form. Its internal weight acts as a keel to ensure this lure retrieves, casts, and falls true, while its Gorilla Through Wiring gives the bait its structure and prevents the big ones from being lost. The wiring is bent around an extra set of plastic supports, preventing this harness system from separating from the body. This "Max" version is slightly thinner and heavier over the standard, making for greater vibration and reachable depth. Ideal for working vertically, this bait can handle all depths and many retrieve styles in the water column. Fish it with a constant retrieve or with the occasional start/stop. Fish it slow with a gentle hop on or near the bottom and use its vibration to attract fish. It also works well completely vertical when jigging for suspended fish off the bottom. Outfitted with BKK trebles right out of the box, this versatile lure is ready to go out of the package and put a claim on your next outing.
TPE Ultra-Tough Construction
Gorilla Though Wiring
Ideal for Casting or Vertical Jigging
Outfitted with Premium BKK Hooks and Hardware